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Are start-ups the backbone of the beauty industry ?
The beauty industry has witnessed a revolution which has defined how beauty is perceived. It has shi...
Start-up scouting shouldn’t be difficult, here is HOW…
New frontier technologies such as AI, Blockchain, AR and VR have facilitated the creation of many te...
Startup Grenoble Alpes Métropole
Métropoles, organismes publics, vous pouvez dynamiser votre territoire et c’est le moment de ...
The impact of institutions on the entrepreneurial orientation-performance relationship
In this study, we theorize how regulatory, normative, and cognitive institutions moderate the entrep...
BeautyTech start-ups
Innovative technology combined with the beauty industry has produced a list of outstanding start-ups...
Augmented reality startups in retail
Augmented Reality (AR) technology redefines the retail industry. We analyzed 101 augmented reality s...
Valuation of start-ups: A machine learning perspective
We address the problem of start-up valuation from a machine learning perspective with a focus on E...
Open banking startups
Skopai analyzed open banking startups with a focus on their technologies and markets. Open banking a...
GreenTech start-ups
Sustainable and environmental goals have impacted the European start-up ecosystem. We examined the l...
The 2021 French Tech Next40/120
Every year the French Tech Next40/120 organizes the support program for French scale-ups with an obj...
Female entrepreneurs
For the International Women’s Day, we provide an overview of start-ups created and/or managed ...