New frontier technologies such as AI, Blockchain, AR and VR have facilitated the creation of many technologies used across industries and it is thrilling to see the impact they have made in the financial sector, health and retail. Stats show that there are about 305 million start-ups that are created each year (nsblog, 2020.), making markets saturated but yet the entrepreneurial proliferation has no end in sight. Is there perhaps a 5th revolution in hindsight?

With thousands of tech start-ups splayed across every industry, investment opportunities are endless. Venture capitalists, R&D departments are on the lookout for innovative technologies and minds that will take them to the next phase of development and for another investor, a profitable venture.

Investors are faced with deciding the kind of start-ups that will fit their investment thesis (a detailed process that includes identification of start-ups, qualifications, scoring, and in-depth analysis such as reading numbers and comparing against the growth scale). 

Investors are overwhelmed.

Two workers studing a paper on which is written numbers and graphs
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On the other hand, are start-ups who are overwhelmed because they are in dire need of funds to pilot their businesses and for some prevent their businesses from collapsing. Some of these start-ups have the potential to become global technology innovation leaders but this may never materialize due to lack of funding.

How do investors find credible start-ups worth investing in? Where do they get unbiased and up to date information on them? Where can they find a snapshot of activities and timelines of start-ups?

With numerous search engines available, information-sourcing has never been easier. But how tedious can this be if you have to search every time you need to make informed decisions over different prospects?

Investors need to avoid drowning in a pool of information by ditching pitch decks and freeing the start-up scouting process pipeline.

The painful process can become enjoyable if they are automated and optimized.

  • Investors can now without wasting valuable time have a snapshot view of a company’s profile by just looking at the already compiled and organized information sourced and compiled by AI and NLP technologies.
  • From founding dates to the number of funding periods, to readiness level, business model and all intricate details needed for in-depth analyses helping
  • Investors make smart decisions based on their own investment thesis or fund criteria.
  • With easy-to-use collaborative tools, investors can discuss any observations they have with their teammates or share new interesting start-ups or any information that will be beneficial in their search with team mates hence
  • Decisions are easily made since all team members are in the loop
  • Portfolios of each start-up relevant to the investor can be created to track major news related to them so they do not miss out on major trends.

Skopai is a partner who understands your problems and want to help you automate these painful tasks to make your innovation decisions and processes faster and efficient using our advance web crawling technology- AI.

A man in an office studying an analysis and graphs his tablet
Image from

The Skopai platform gives a fair chance to start-ups to be ranked accordingly and found easily and an automated scouting process for the investor. It’s a win-win chance for all!

Are you an investor and need to automate your investment processes? Start on Skopai today! Start your free trial here.

Skopai — your trusted business and innovation intelligence


Source: How Many Tech Startups Are Created Each Year? (March 25, 2020). Retrieved from

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